英文简历模板 篇一
2、个人简历最好用A4标准复印纸打印, 字体最好采用常用的宋体或楷体,尽量不要用花里呼哨的艺术字体和彩色字,
8、一定要用积极的语言,切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言写你的`个人简历。 最好的方法是在你心情好的时候编写你的个人简历。
简单的英文简历模板 篇二
Oliver Twist
1234 Main Court
Santa Cruz
CA, 95060
Career Profile:
Looking for an opportunity to work as a Public Relation Manager where I can make effective use of my knowledge and skills for the growth of the organization.
Core Strengths:
Extensive knowledge of planning , managing and designing public relation programs
In-depth knowledge of the structure, rules of composition and grammar of English language
Possess excellent administration and customer service skills
Familiar with the principles and methods of promoting and selling products and services
Ability to think critically with excellent time management skills
Familiar with the concept of economics and accounting principles
Ability to lead small and large teams of public relation specialist
Proficient in handling multiple tasks simultaneously and work under pressure
Ability to generate policies and procedures related to public information programs
Educational Summary:
Master's degree in Business Administration from University of State, in the year 19XX
Bachelor degree in Public Relations from Saint Lawrence Communication College, State in the year 19XX
Accredited in Public Relations (APR) in the year 19XX
Professional Experience:
ABC Software Co. Inc., State
20XX till date
Public Relation Manager
Assigned the tasks of developing and maintaining the company's corporate identity and image by using logos and signage
Handled the responsibilities of supervising and reviewing the activities of public relations staff
Prepared information for media kits and wrote effective press releases
Responsible for developing and maintaining company's corporate identity and image
Assigned the tasks of managing communications budget
Worked with public relation executives and formulated policies and procedures of public information programs
ABC Communication Center, State
20XX to 20XX
Senior Public Relation Executive
Handled the tasks of planning and directing public relations programs
Drafted speeches for company executives as well as arranged interviews for them
Maintained and developed company internet and intranet web pages
Evaluated advertising and promotion programs for compatibility with public relations efforts and strategies
Maintained company archives and managed in-house communication courses
Observed and report on social, economic and political trends that might affect employers to the Manager
Professional Accomplishments:
Honored as the most Influential Public Relations Strategist of the year 19XX by the Public Relations Association of XYZ
英语简历模板 篇三
目前所在: 湛江 年 龄: 22
户口所在: 湛江 国 籍: 中国
婚姻状况: 未婚 民 族: 汉族
诚信徽章: 未申请 身 高: 173 cm
人才测评: 未测评 体 重: 60 kg
人才类型: 应届毕业生
应聘职位: 外贸/进出口专员/助理, 外贸跟单经理/主管, 外贸/进出口经理/主管
工作年限: 2 职 称: 高级
求职类型: 实习 可到职日期: 一个月
月薪要求: 20xx--3500 希望工作地区: 广东省,广州,佛山
不详 起止年月:20xx-07 ~ 20xx-09
公司性质: 私营企业 所属行业:贸易/进出口
担任职位: 跟单员
工作描述: 负责每天仓库货物的登记,进货,下单,发货等工作
离职原因: 兼职期满
匹克体育 起止年月:20xx-07 ~ 20xx-08
公司性质: 股份制企业 所属行业:娱乐/休闲/体育
担任职位: 销售经理助理兼销售
工作描述: 负责销售工作,以及协助销售经理的工作
离职原因: 兼职期满
毕业院校: 肇庆科技职业技术学院
最高学历: 大专 获得学位: 副学士学位 毕业日期: 20xx-07
专 业 一: 商务英语 专 业 二:
起始年月 终止年月 学校(机构) 所学专业 获得证书 证书编号
20xx-09 20xx-07 肇庆科技职业技术学院 商务英语 普通话等级证书 全国计算机1级 全国计算机中级办公软件 大学英语四级 -
外语: 英语 良好 粤语水平: 良好
国语水平: 良好
工作爱好:贸易行业,跟单,贸易业务,电子商务 生活爱好:唱歌,运动,上网,社交
特长:计算机办公软件操作 英语口语交流 商务函电 团体合作 管理 唱歌 篮球爱好唱歌 体育运动(尤其是篮球) 爱好交流
期望行业:贸易、进出口 外贸跟单经理/主管 国内贸易业务员,跟单员,经理
英语个人简历模板 篇四
Columbia University, Teachers College New York, N.Y.
Master of the Arts, Organizational Psychology February 2004
Focus of Study: Leadership and management development; clinical, counseling, and personality psychology in relation to employee development; performance management; job analysis and classification; competency modeling; and diversity in the workplace.
Research Assistant: ¡§Diversity in the Workplace¨ (worked with Ph.D. students on data analysis)
Boston College Chestnut Hill, M.A.
Bachelor of the Arts, English Composition, Cum Laude May 2000
English Department Honors (top 2%)
University of Richmond London, England
Study Abroad Program (academic scholarship) September 2008 - January 2009
University of Bourgogne Dijon .cn , France
Study Abroad Program (academic scholarship) June - August 2004
Metropolitan Transit Authority, New York City Transit Brooklyn, N.Y.
Analyst, Personnel Testing, Selection, & Classification, Human Resources March 2004 - present
Conduct interview- and observation-based job analyses and write comprehensive job analysis reports for highly technical trade positions (e.g., Mechanical Engineer)
Observe tasks performed, working conditions, performance standards, and other relevant information
Analyze this information in order to determine the required knowledge, skills, and abilities
Based on this information, write current and accurate job descriptions, design valid and non-discriminatory Civil Service examinations, analyze the efficiency of the current organizational structure and recommend job design changes, and provide
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