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发布时间:2023-02-20 10:15:06 来源:网友投稿




杭州西湖导游词 篇一

Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, you can call me zheng guide, welcome to the 2200 - year - old hangzhou play. People often say: "above there is heaven, there are suzhou and hangzhou." Hangzhou scenery especially beautiful, especially the west lake. Today, I will take you to the west lake to play well.

Southwest of the west lake is located in hangzhou city, zhejiang province, with its beautiful lakes and mountains and numerous scenic spots and historical sites and the world-famous. Xihu ten scenery, have broken bridge cx, world sunsets, pinghu harvest moon, flower view fish, just, and so on.

We first came to the broken bridge cx. It is located in the east side of bai causeway, why do you want to call the broken bridge cx? Because every time the snow attendance, sunrise, middle-east Japanese, bridge deck snow melt, show brown bridge deck a mark, like long white chain to the interrupted, so in order to "cx" name.

Broken bridge cx view on the end of the flower is the fish, the pond there are thousands of red crucian carp, very good-looking. You look! Some fish could not hide to hide, to hide a while, and for a while and see other fish movement, like the hide and seek! Some fish swimming around, like a patrol in the pool, to protect the security of the people. There are fish in search of food, like not so hungry. You can buy some fish food thrown into the pond. The fish immediately rushed forward, scrambling to grab the fish food. Here and there a bunch of, on the surface of the formation of the spectacular sight.

The beauty of the west lake said also said not over, you can go to taste slowly appreciate, two hours after collection here. Everybody to pay attention to safety in the process of play, do not litter, graffito of the scribble don"t, don"t damage the beauty of the "heaven on earth"!

杭州西湖导游词 篇二

Dear visitors, today I"ll guide you swim and get a glimpse of the west lake and moving scenery!

Look, is the legendary "broken bridge", not far in front of the legendary xu xian and the white niang son is on the broken bridge for life! Everyone looked ahead from the bridge, can see both coasts. It is said that this is the place where method customs pressure the white niang son. Finally by the villagers will take both coasts of brick, makes the white niang son who escape the clutches of sea.

Our next stop, is the place where Lin biao armed uprising. It has two names, one is 704, built in 1970 in April. Another name is 579, and the armed uprising is harmonics. People usually call it 704. You can now go in and see their works. Of course, the so-called uprising was a failure.

Now, we are standing in a the foot of the mountain. The mountains have a well. Is said to be emperor qianlong came to this mountain, very tired, just use it well after washing a face wash feet, feel refreshed, the well water. From the later, the well is as much a mystery. It is said that after washing with the well bonanza, wedding, good a lot. Interested friends can have a try, can guarantee that you later day across the fire! However, water can not be erased at yo, it is better to let it dry naturally. Otherwise, your finances so will erase!

Today I give everybody introduction here, looking for a walk, please! In addition to your joy, laughter and footprints, what all don"t leave! Thank you to the west lake, west lake always welcome you!

杭州西湖导游词 篇三




船慢慢靠近西湖最大的岛——小瀛洲了。这座岛的特点是岛中有湖,湖中有岛。 著名的三潭印月就在小瀛洲的南端,待会我们将前往那里,大家赶紧和小瀛洲拍照留念吧!



杭州西湖导游词 篇四


朋友们:下面就随我一起从岳庙码头乘船去游览西湖。在船未启动之前,我先来介绍一下西湖的概况:西湖位于杭州城西,三面环山,东面濒临市区,南北长约3.2公里,东西宽约2.8公里,绕湖一周近15公里。面积约5.68平方公里,包括湖中岛屿为6.3平方公里,平均水深1.55米,最深处在2.8米左右,最浅处不足1米,蓄水量在850万到870万立方米之间。苏堤和白堤将湖面分成外湖、北里湖、西里湖岳湖和小南湖5个部分。西湖处处有胜景,历史上除有“钱塘十景”、“西湖十八景”之外,最著名的是南宋定名的“西湖十景”:苏堤春晓、曲院风荷、平湖秋月、断桥残雪、花港观鱼、南屏晚钟、双峰插云、雷峰夕照、三潭印月、橹浪闻茑。如以每个字来点的内涵,它们是:春夏秋冬花,晚云夕月柳。点出了无论春夏秋冬,无论明晦晨昏,西湖胜景时时皆有,处处都在的特色。1985年又评出“新西湖十景”。在以西湖为中心的60平方公里的园林风景区内,颁着主要风景名胜有40多处,重点文物古迹有30多处。概括起来西湖风景主要以一湖、二峰、三泉、四寺、五山、六园、七洞、八墓、九溪、十景为胜。 1982年11月8日,国务院将西湖列为第一批国家重点风景名胜之一。1985年,在“中国十大风景名胜”评选中,西湖被评为第三。


杭州西湖导游词 篇五





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